Career Coaching Specialisations
Decisions & transitions
Find wisdom and courage while navigating changes in work, housing, finances, relationships, community.
Life balance
Keeping various life roles in balance requires clarity, intentionality and effort, with a focus on thriving over the long haul.
Ecological awareness
Our unique place in human history requires imagination, innovation and enacted hope. What are you being called to do?
Community engagement
Involvement in the ‘third sector’ brings its own opportunities and challenges. Where do you fit, and what supports might assist you?
Future-fit leadership
We must move beyond business-as-usual toward regenerative approaches to life and work that go well beyond being merely ‘sustainable’.
Humans are storied creatures, drawn toward purposefulness and meaning-making, which are crucial aspects of our spiritual journey.
“Careers are personal and encompass the total constellation of life roles that we play. Thus, managing our careers effectively also involves integrating the roles of life effectively.
In a very real sense, careers are the manifestations of our attempts at making sense out of our life experiences.
The career development process is, in essence, a spiritual journey reflecting our choices concerning how we will spend our time on Earth.”
— S. G. Niiles & J. Harris-Bowlsbey (2014), Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century, (p. 36)